Becker Pass Guarantee Policy
Becker Concierge Pass Guarantee Policy
With our most premier exam prep experience, we offer the Becker Concierge Pass Guarantee as part of our Becker Concierge CPA Exam Review Package. Students who purchase this package and become Exam Day ReadySM, will test with confidence. If they don’t pass a section, Becker will refund them for that portion of their purchase – Concierge students are eligible for up to 100% refund of their purchase price.
To be eligible for Becker Concierge Pass Guarantee, students must follow the following steps:
- First, have purchased or upgraded to the Becker Concierge CPA Exam Review Package, on or after January 1, 2023.
- If purchasing through Becker's Flex Pay financing program, your account must be current (no missed payments or deferments).
- Next, become Exam Day ReadySM (EDR) in the section of study prior to taking the CPA Exam for that section (for example, if you take the AUD exam on January 10, you must have achieved EDR on or before January 10 to be eligible for the Pass Guarantee):
- Achieving EDR for an exam section is defined as completing 80% of Becker’s concept videos in each module, correctly answering 80% of course task-based simulations (TBS) and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in the practice section of each module and receiving a score of 50% or higher on all Becker Simulated Exams and Mini Exams within that section.
- Additional content, such as Final Review, flashcards, and Practice Tests, is not included in your EDR calculations.
- Achieving EDR for an exam section is defined as completing 80% of Becker’s concept videos in each module, correctly answering 80% of course task-based simulations (TBS) and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in the practice section of each module and receiving a score of 50% or higher on all Becker Simulated Exams and Mini Exams within that section.
- Finally, provide Becker with a copy of the Candidate Performance Report or another jurisdiction-specific report that shows proof that you failed the exam by emailing Becker at Submitted documentation must include: Student Name, Test Score, and Exam Date.
- Exam Sections must be taken within 12 months from the date you purchased your Becker Concierge CPA Exam Review Package.
- More information on the AICPA Exam Report can be found here The Candidate Performance Report provides helpful information | Resources | AICPA
- Sections not passed due to Exam no-shows, testing blackout periods, or being turned away from testing for any other reason do not qualify you for the Concierge Pass Guarantee.
- Requests for the Becker Concierge Pass Guarantee must be submitted no later than ninety (90) days after the date a failed exam score is released.
- Exam Sections must be taken within 12 months from the date you purchased your Becker Concierge CPA Exam Review Package.
Upon confirmation by Becker of eligibility for the Becker Concierge Pass Guarantee, students will:
- Receive an e-mail communication to confirm their mailing address within thirty (30) days.
- Receive a refund of 25% of the price they purchased, once per section, up to 100% refund minus any shipping costs or Flex Pay processing fee.
- Receive these funds in the form of a check from Becker within sixty (60) days.
- If using Becker Flex Pay financing, Concierge Pass Guarantee refund(s) will be issued after completing all Flex Pay installment payments. Pass Guarantee refunds will not be offered as a credit against unpaid Flex Pay installment payments.
Students are limited to one 25% Becker Concierge Pass Guarantee per section for up to four total CPA Exam sections, with a total amount no greater than their original purchase price.
Becker's Concierge Pass Guarantee is only available for purchase in the United States unaffiliated with the following: purchases made through our Direct bill programs with Firms, Universities, International Partners, or other organizations are not eligible
Becker reserves the right to deny the Concierge Pass Guarantee refund to any student who abuses the policy. Examples of abuse of the policy would be evidence to taking the exams when unprepared (e.g. taking exams in an unusually short period of time and/or getting unusually low scores) and/or not meeting the minimum amount of study time of 40 hours per exam section in the Becker course.
If you have any questions about your Eligibility for Becker’s Concierge Pass Guarantee, please contact Becker at (877) 272-3926 or internationally (630) 472-2213. Choose option 2 for support.
Becker Pass Guarantee Policy
For students who want the highest level of assurance in their CPA Exam preparation, we offer the Becker Pass Guarantee as part of our Pro+ and Pro CPA Exam Review packages. Students who purchase either of these packages and achieve our Exam Day ReadySM status, will test with confidence. If they don’t pass, Becker will give them $250 to help cover the cost of a re-take of that CPA Exam section.
To be eligible for Becker's Pass Guarantee, students must complete the following steps:
- First, have purchased or upgraded to the Becker Pro CPA Exam Review Package on or after October 3, 2022 or purchased or upgraded to the Pro+ CPA Exam Review package on or after October 15, 2024.
- If purchasing through Becker's Flex Pay program, your account must be current (no missed payments or deferments)
- Then, become Exam Day ReadySM (EDR) in the section of study prior to taking the CPA Exam for that section (for example, if you take the AUD Exam on January 10, you must have achieved EDR on or before January 10 to be eligible for the Pass Guarantee):
- Achieving EDR for a section is defined as completing 80% of Becker’s concept videos in each module, correctly answering 80% of course task-based simulations (TBS) and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in the practice section of each module and receiving a score of 50% or higher on all Becker Simulated Exams and Mini Exams within that section.
- Additional content, such as Final Review, flashcards, Deep Dive Workshops, and Practice Tests, is not included in your EDR calculations.
- Achieving EDR for a section is defined as completing 80% of Becker’s concept videos in each module, correctly answering 80% of course task-based simulations (TBS) and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in the practice section of each module and receiving a score of 50% or higher on all Becker Simulated Exams and Mini Exams within that section.
- Finally, provide Becker with a copy of the Candidate Performance Report or other jurisdiction-specific report that shows proof that you failed the exam by emailing Becker at Submitted documentation must include: Student Name, Test Score, and Exam Date.
- Exam Sections must be taken within 12 months from the date you purchased your Becker Pro CPA Exam Review Package.
- More information on the AICPA Exam Report can be found here The Candidate Performance Report provides helpful information | Resources | AICPA
- Sections not passed due to Exam no-shows, testing blackout periods, or being turned away from testing for any other reason do not qualify you for the Pass Guarantee.
- Requests for the Becker Pass Guarantee must be submitted no later than ninety (90) days after the date a failed exam score is released.
- Exam Sections must be taken within 12 months from the date you purchased your Becker Pro CPA Exam Review Package.
Upon confirmation by Becker of eligibility for the Becker Pass Guarantee, students will:
- Receive an e-mail communication to confirm their mailing address within thirty (30) days
- Receive $250 in the form of a virtual credit card with a one-time limit of $250 from Becker within sixty (60) days
- Be eligible to receive one (1) coaching session and one (1) academic tutoring session, for the failed section, to help them prepare to retake that section. To schedule, please call Becker at (877) 272-3926 or internationally (630) 472-2213.
Students are limited to one $250 Becker Pass Guarantee per section for up to four total CPA Exam sections, with a total amount no greater than $1,000.
Becker's CPA Pass Guarantee is only available for purchase in the United States unaffiliated with the following: purchases made through our Direct bill programs with Firms, Universities, International Partners, or other organizations are not eligible.
Becker reserves the right to deny the Concierge Pass Guarantee refund to any student who abuses the policy. Examples of abuse of the policy would be evidence to taking the exams when unprepared (e.g. taking exams in an unusually short period of time and/or getting unusually low scores) and/or not meeting the minimum amount of study time of 40 hours per exam section in the Becker course.
If you have any questions about your Eligibility for Becker’s Pass Guarantee, please contact Becker at (877) 272-3926 or internationally (630) 472-2213.