EA Exam Review Courses
Course access
Pass Guarantee
Flexible payment options (0% interest)
Printed textbooks ($225 value)
Free CE ethics course
3-part review course
Unlimited academic support
Adapt2U Technology driven, unlimited practice tests
1 Simulated Exam per Part (3 total)
Digital textbooks
3,000+ Multiple Choice Questions
Customizable study planner
Concept videos
Tax form videos
700+ digital flashcards
300+ SkillBuilder solution videos
Private Becker EA Facebook community
Our plans at a glance
Personalized learning experience
Our EA Exam Review packages include Becker’s customizable Learning Management System, an online portal that manages everything you need to personalize and optimize your study journey.
From a customizable study planner to video lectures that you can watch as many times as needed, and much more, you’ll have all the study tools necessary to make your exam review experience work for you!
Unparalleled support
Becker is proud to offer academic and technical support that’s unmatched in the industry. Whether you have a question on an exam concept or need help with your LMS, our teams of experts are available to provide you with answers.
Your EA Exam Review doesn't just come with study materials, it includes a team of experts to support your journey to success.
Community of learners
Gain access to an instant support group of your peers. Becker’s EA Exam Review packages include entrance to our private Facebook study group. In this community, fellow students share invaluable insights and firsthand stories about their experiences during exam prep, on the real exam, and in their career after credential.
Until 3/31/25 at 11:59PM. CST, the Pro Package is now being offered for 25% off regular retail price. This promotion cannot be combined with other offers or promotions and is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases. This promotion is not available to students whose firm or organization pays for all or part of their purchase directly to Becker, or any students subject to a preferred provider arrangement Becker has with a third party. Offer not available in all areas.