What to expect from the Becker CPA Live Online course

person studying on a laptop in a library

While Becker's CPA Exam Review offers a lot of flexibility through self-guided study, many students benefit from a live learning setting. Fortunately, with LiveOnline virtual classes and our in-person classes, CPA candidates can experience the benefits of the classroom setting. We're walking you through what to expect when you take Becker live classes online. 

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What are Becker LiveOnline virtual classes?

Becker's LiveOnline virtual classes are live streaming classes taught by a Becker instructor on a specific area of the exam review. These weekly courses are available for all six sections of the CPA Exam (the three Core and three Disciplines) so no matter what section you're studying for, you can take classes to support what you're learning. 

Becker also keeps a library of recorded live online classes so you can review a specific topic or catch up on a missed class!

Who can access Becker's online live classes?

When you purchase a Pro, Pro+, or Concierge CPA Exam Review package, the weekly LiveOnline virtual classes are automatically included in the package. However, if you already have a single section review or either the Premium or Advantage packages, you can also purchase the LiveOnline virtual classes separately via Becker's Support Products page. 

How to sign up for Becker's live classes online

When you're in the Exam Review course, navigate to the Classes tab on the menu on your dashboard. 

Screenshot of becker's cpa exam review dashboard


Once you select the Classes option, you can choose the On-Demand tab for classes already recorded or the Livestream tab to see the courses available for registration by month and can choose which courses to sign up for. 

If you don't have a package with Becker's LiveOnline courses, or haven't purchased them separately, there will be a link to purchase them within your dashboard. 

Live online classes for other exam reviews

In addition to the CPA Exam Review, CMA candidates can currently take part in CMA LiveOnline classes as part of the Pro CMA Exam Review package or purchase separately with support products. In May 2024, Enrolled Agent candidates can also access LiveOnline courses as a part of their review. 

Benefits of Becker live classes online

Everyone learns at their own pace and in their own way, and studying for the CPA Exam or the CMA Exam is no different. If you're on the fence about taking a LiveOnline virtual class, consider these benefits to see if they're right for you. 


Studying for the CPA Exam can take months, and with a self-paced course, you're responsible for creating and sticking to a study schedule that will keep you on track to pass the exam. By building the weekly LiveOnline classes into your schedule, it can provide a bit of extra motivation and accountability to stick with your plan. 


Our expert instructors bring real world experience and practical knowledge to each Becker live class online, creating a more interesting, engaging class. They're covering the information you need to know, but they're also providing practical information so you can apply these complex concepts in the exam. Plus, they try to keep it interesting because when you are interested in the topic and engaged in the class, you can stay focused on what you're learning and retain it more effectively!

Ask questions

The CPA Exam is challenging, and many of the topics covered are complicated. While our textbooks, concept lecture videos, and other resources are designed to make difficult topics more accessible and easier to understand, you're probably going to have questions (which you can have them answered by our Academic Support team). By taking part in a live class, even online, you have the opportunity to ask questions and get clarity in the moment. Even better, other students' questions may help provide added context and understanding to a topic.

Getting the most out of Becker live classes online

Before you join one of Becker's live classes online, follow these tips to get the best experience:

  1. Review the unit before it’s covered, and write down some questions in advance. You’ll get a lot more out of the experience if you’re ready for it.
  2. Things can move quickly, so don’t worry about missing info. It will all be recapped and reviewable later.
  3. Have a drink and some snacks nearby so you don't need to get up any more than is necessary. 
  4. Put away your phone or turn off notifications so you can focus as much as possible on the class. 



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