Cheryl Weir
Cheryl has been coaching individuals and teams in corporations since 1992. Her client list ranges from Fortune 100/500 in accounting, financial, technology and pharmaceutical, to many smaller organizations. Cheryl’s popular workshops include Developing YOUR Unique Leadership Style, Retaining Talented Employees, and The Executive Leadership Program for “high potentials” in organizations. Her workshop for sales organizations, ROCKET Your RESULTS was featured in FORTUNE magazine. She is certified in Hay Group’s Emotional Intelligence 360 Degree Multi-rater assessment (ECI) and TTI’s DISC Style and Behavior assessment.
- University of Wisconsin
- Bachelor of Science in Economics
- Certified Executive Coach
- Certified DISC Behavior and Style Assessment
- Certified TKI Conflict Management
- Author of Needs and Value Program
Curriculum & instruction
What would you tell an accounting student today?
"I would tell an accounting student to work on your Emotional Intelligence skills. I would also suggest that they will need to learn how to sell! Also, how to learn to discuss what the client might be interested in, such as sports, music, other countries. And how to LISTEN!"
Becker fun fact
"I was a competitive swimmer and was inducted into the Hall of Fame at my university. After a successful coaching engagement with AT&T, the client and I were featured in an article in Fortune Magazine, Are you a Player, Do you have a Coach? I coached a swim team for 10 years with 3 of my children. I raised those three children to be self-sufficient, one in business and two are CPAs., PwC and Google. I've been married for 42 years and enjoy golf, exercise classes, traveling to many places around the globe. Current President of the Museum of Art Guild."