Passing the CPA Exam requires months of intensive studying. But if you’re just getting started on your path to becoming a Certified Public Accountant, you may choose to start with free CPA study material before investing in a more comprehensive CPA Exam review course.
Explore this list of six free CPA study materials to dip your toes into CPA Exam prep.
#1: CPA Exam Guide eBook
If you’re just getting started with learning about becoming a CPA, Becker’s free, downloadable CPA Exam Guide eBook is your source of truth. It works as a quick reference for everything you need to know regarding the exam format, length, timing, scoring, and content; as well as details on how to apply and what you need on exam day.
Plus, for those who are really new to the game, you can find an overview of the license itself and the innumerable benefits it will bring to your career in accounting.
#2: AICPA sample test
While the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) does not provide CPA candidates with a plethora of free CPA study materials, they do offer a useful free sample exam1 available through the AICPA website.
The sample exam simulates the real thing in timing and format—complete with an intimidating timer and full-screen immersive experience—so you can run through taking the complete CPA Exam without the fear of failure. All you need to take this sample CPA Exam is a computer with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and an uninterrupted 4-hour period.
That said, if you tackle a sample CPA Exam without any other preparation, you’re likely to get a rude awakening to the exam’s length and content difficulty. Before running through this experience, we highly recommend that you study exam concepts and prepare with shorter practice quizzes. Just like running a physical marathon, you want to train first in smaller chunks and build up your test-sitting stamina. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and get you in shape to go the distance.
#3: Free practice questions
Many sites offer free CPA Exam practice questions. These are a great resource to both test your knowledge and get used to the format of CPA Exam questions.
Online free CPA study materials that include practice questions often come in the format of banks of MCQs that cover a range of topics. You’ll likely be asked to provide some personal information like your email, exam section, and exam testing date, and then enter either a dashboard or downloadable link to this bank of questions.2
We suggest using practice questions to test and reinforce what you’ve learned, but not as an exclusive way to prepare for the CPA Exam. Practice MCQs are rapid-fire review of a mixed bag of very specific exam topics—not a way to learn new concepts. If you’re relying only on practice questions, you’ll learn specific answers to specific questions, rather than gain a deep and wholistic understanding of exam concepts. Plus, if you face a whole bank of questions on topics that you haven’t learned yet, it’s a sure track toward discouragement.
#4: Becker's scholarship
At Becker, we’re committed to helping students pass the CPA Exam—and have invested over $3 million in scholarships to support future CPAs who demonstrate excellent character, leadership, and community commitment.
If you embody these qualities, you can get free CPA study materials by applying for the Newt D. Becker CPA Exam Review scholarship program. This scholarship program includes full access to Becker CPA Exam Review Advantage Package, worth $2,499 and providing 24-month access to Becker’s Exam Day ReadySM course, personalized study tools, and resources.
Scholarship applications are open February 3, 2025 through March 3, 2025 with 130 deserving recipients each year!
To earn the CPA Exam Review scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be an accounting professional or student not currently enrolled in Becker’s CPA Exam Review at the time of scholarship notification
- Meet the requirements to sit for the CPA Exam at the time of enrollment in Becker’s CPA Exam Review.
- Be a US resident
- Are not currently employed by or have accepted a position at a firm or corporation that reimburses for the CPA Exam Review
- If selected, recipients must enroll in Becker’s CPA Exam Review by June 30, 2025
#5: AICPA scholarship
The AICPA Foundation and Controllers Council also offer a scholarship to support the expenses associated with passing the CPA Exam.3 Each year, 75 individuals receive a lump sum of up to $1,000 to reimburse their CPA-associated costs.
While not necessarily free CPA study materials, $1,000 to invest in your preparation can help make your CPA journey much more accessible.
#6: Free Becker trial
And while you’re waiting on your scholarship applications, you can get started exploring the complete CPA Exam Review course and learning platform through Becker’s free 14-day trial.
Our free CPA Exam Review trial lets you dig into the review content and study tools that make Becker’s course the most trusted exam prep resource in the industry. All these are available as free CPA study materials for 14 days during your trial:
- One full unit per exam section
- Highly visual and engaging video lectures
- 1,400+ practice MCQs
- 100+ task-based simulations and SkillBuilder solutions videos
- Unlimited, customized practice tests
- Digital flashcard
- 30-question diagnostic to test exam readiness score and suggested study pathway
- Progress syncing from demo to purchase
Start preparing to be CPA Exam Day ReadySM
If you’re questioning the purchase of a CPA Exam Review, free CPA study materials are a good place to start. They provide a supplement to a more robust CPA Exam review experience, allowing you to get a taste of the CPA Exam questions and format without making any financial investment and informing which CPA Exam Review course is best for you.
However, you’ll soon see the value of a robust support system that tells you what you need to study and when; gives you lecture videos, textbooks, and live classes to answer specific questions; and guarantees that you’re Exam Day ReadySM to pass the CPA Exam.
Start with Becker’s free CPA Exam Review 14-day trial and start building your CPA Exam readiness.